Sunday 13 April 2008

Weaving beady magic and finding my mojo!

Well, as you know, I am usually a wire worker! I love working with silver beads, wire and chain and think it really makes a piece look professional and that the silver really compliments beads. Well, after my mamouth beady make for the crafts fairs/jewellery fair I have had a few months of a slump...I lost my beading mojo! I was assured by the ladies on UK-beaders that this was normal and that with a little time and inspiration it would come back. So....I waited....January came and went...February....March...and still I'd only beaded a few earrings, then I decided to find my mojo I would turn to a new side of beading I'd never tried - weaving. I'm definately NOT a seed beader, I'm far too clumsy, impaitient and have very little dexterity (anyone feel I do the wrong hobby!?!) but I stumbled on a book by Hooghe and Hooghe 'Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches and Rings Using Crystal Beads' - and started to make some necklaces and earrings using their techniques.....

I find weaving quite frustrating and I lack the patience to make it a regular feature to my work but I do like the results! And it did re awaken my mojo so can't be that bad!

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